Mnenja strank

Pustimo, da naši pregledi govorijo sami zase.

4.98 povprečno
213 mnenj

Vrečke sem dobil v 2 dneh, odlična izkušnja in podpora strankam

John E

Potrjena stranka

Dobil sem nekaj ZYN in LOOP različnih okusov - vsi so super. Hvala


Preverjena stranka

Fast + great prices!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Christoffer K

Verified customer

Dobra kakovost, hitra podpora strankam.

Eric Andersen

Potrjena stranka

Naročil sem že petkrat, vedno deluje odlično. Only manjka naročniška storitev ali kaj podobnega!


Preverjena stranka

Odlično. Nedavno sem poskusil nova okusa LOOP in VELO - zagotovo bom še enkrat naročil. Dostava je bila zelo hitra.

Amelia N

Potrjena stranka

Mojih najljubših okusov ni bilo na zalogi, vendar mi je uspelo najti nekaj podobnih. Velik ups za brezplačno pošiljanje in brez čudnih dodatnih stroškov pošiljanja na Finsko.

Arti L

Potrjena stranka

🔥 Super hitra dostava, hvala!

Andrea C

Potrjena stranka

Good price and fast shipping!


Verified customer

Odlična storitev! Želel sem kupiti polnjenje okusa Lundgrens, vendar ga drugič ni bilo na zalogi. Več izdelkov na zalogi bi bilo super!


Preverjena stranka

Deluje odlično. Dobil lep dobrodošel popust + brezplačna dostava. Bo zaloge več za poletje pred nami.


Preverjena stranka

I received my goods in two days to another country and support was very responsive as I could not enter discount code in the order. I think this is the fastest shipping I’ve seen from this peer group.


Verified customer

Great store, the process to buy the product was easy and enjoyable, and the delivery was fast. All great things you expect from a store.


Verified customer

The website has a great interface and they have quite a big selection. Took a while to get to Spain, but hey, it is a great product!


Verified customer

The store offers a large variety of flavors and also different strength (even higher than those I can find in my local stores) Nice customer service, overall recommended!

Daniel S

Verified customer

Brezplačna dostava nad 80 €
Brez dodatnih carinskih pristojbin ali davkov

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja