Vapes Coming Soon – What You Need to Know

Vapes kmalu na voljo – Kaj morate vedeti

Pri Nicotinos vedno iščemo načine za širitev naše ponudbe izdelkov in zadovoljevanje potreb naših strank. Kmalu bomo v našo ponudbo dodali tudi enkratne vapes in pod sisteme, vključno s priljubljenimi znamkami, kot sta BMOR Ringo...
VELO Products Getting a New Look: A Name Change Revolution!

VELO izdelki dobivajo novo podobo: Revolucija v spremembi imen!

Pri VELO vedno iščemo načine, kako ohraniti stvari sveže in vznemirljive za naše stranke. Zato z veseljem sporočamo, da bodo nekateri naši priljubljeni VELO izdelki dobili novo ime! Medtem ko se kakovost in okus vaših...
💔 Ghosted? Left on Read? Fix Your Mood with the Right Pouch!

💔 Ghostan? Pustil na seen? Popravi si razpoloženje s pravo vrečkico!

Valentinovo je mimo, in bodimo iskreni—ne glede na to, ali si bil samski, v zapletenem odnosu ali naravnost ghostan, verjetno ni bilo vse v srčkih in romantičnih večerjah ob svečah. Mogoče te je tvoja simpatija...
The Meteoric Rise of Nicotine Pouches: Faster Than a TikTok Trend

Meteorski vzpon nikotinskih škatlic: hitreje kot TikTok trend

Če ste mislili, da so TikTok plesi ali vzpon AI klepetalnih robotov prevzeli svet, vam predstavljamo nikotinske škatlice. Ti elegantni, majhni powerhouse-i so prešli iz nišnega v mainstream hitreje, kot lahko rečete: "Kakšen je najnovejši...
Power Up Without the Crash: Why Nicotine Pouches Are the Smarter Energy Boost

Power Up Without the Crash: Why Nicotine Pouches Are the Smarter Energy Boost

Energy Drinks: The Double-Edged Sword Energy drinks may feel like lifesavers when you’re in a slump, but have you ever thought about what’s inside those flashy cans? Most energy drinks are packed with sugar—some containing...
New Year, New Habit: Quitting Smoking Made Simple with Nicotine Pouches

New Year, New Habit: Quitting Smoking Made Simple with Nicotine Pouches

Let’s Talk Resolutions New Year’s resolutions. We all make them, break them, and promise to do better next year. But if quitting smoking is on your 2025 list, it’s time to shake things up and...
Wrap Up Your Holiday Cheer with the Best Nicotine Pouches

Wrap Up Your Holiday Cheer with the Best Nicotine Pouches

Ho-ho-hold up! Are you ready to sleigh the holiday season with the best nicotine pouches around? From frosty flavors to fruity faves, we’ve got everything you need to make this Christmas merry, bright, and nicotine-packed....
ZYN Rewards: More Than a Loyalty Program, It’s a Vibe

ZYN Rewards: More Than a Loyalty Program, It’s a Vibe

ZYN isn’t just a nicotine pouch; it’s a full-on lifestyle flex. Sure, you’ve probably heard about loyalty programs before—points, prizes, blah blah—but when it comes to ZYN, the rewards go way deeper. This isn’t just...
Why ZYN Deserves a Spot on Your Rewards List (Spoiler: It’s Not Just the Prizes)

Why ZYN Deserves a Spot on Your Rewards List (Spoiler: It’s Not Just the Prizes)

Let’s set the record straight—ZYN isn’t just here to take up space on a shelf. This brand is out here winning, literally. From the awards it’s scooping up to the rewards it gives your senses,...