The History of Nicotine Pouches: From Sweden to the World 🌍

The History of Nicotine Pouches: From Sweden to the World 🌍

Ever wondered how nicotine pouches became the thing? Nicotine pouches have spread with a rapid pace all across the world, some people say it's a TikTok phenomenon, or that it is a new way to use nicotine. Spoiler alert: it’s not. It all started centuries ago, in sweet little Sweden. Not Switzerland. Sweden. Sweden, the land of IKEA, ABBA, Volvo, Spotify, and, you read it, snus. Snus is basically your OG nicotine pouch. Back in the 1700s, when it all started Swedes were all about their smokeless tobacco. But back then, the experience of snus was something completely different, it was powdered tobacco in a pouch, just chilling under your lip. Classy, right? (No shade on the 1700s Swedes!)

Now, fast forward a couple of centuries, and the modern white nicotine pouch was born. Swedes (again, ahead of the curve) thought something along the lines of, "What if we give these pouches an upgrade? Take out the brown dripping tobacco, keep the nicotine, and make it sleek?". Cue the nicotine pouches, no more mess, dripping brown tobacco between your teeth, but still a buzz. These revolutionizing pouches became the ultimate life hack for getting your nicotine fix without the smell, smoke, or suspicious yellow teeth. Imagine how many Swedes’ kissing game was improved. 

It didn’t take long for the rest of the world to catch on to this new era of white nicotine pouches. Now, these kissing-friendly pouches are everywhere — from Europe to the U.S. and beyond. Regardless of whether you're quitting smoking, avoiding vaping, or just want a discreet little buzz, give your thanks to Sweden for turning their low-key tradition into a global sensation. That, and dancing queen. 

Nicotine pouches = Among many of Sweden’s gifts to the world.